Lecţie publică cu Dr. Kilian W. Wawoe, „Performance Management and Money: how to make sure you pay your employees enough and motivate them to do the right things”

În contextul parteneriatului ASEM-MAIB, Vă invităm la Lecţia Pubică „Performance Management and Money: how to make sure you pay your employees enough and motivate them to do the right things”, cu invitatul din partea Moldova Agroindbank – Dr. Kilian W. Wawoe.

Evenimentul va avea loc mâine, 21 octombrie 2021, ora 11:00 link de conectare: https://meet.google.com/urp-aawi-hhz?fbclid=IwAR3glg3aFLdo9K6vj29k3lhKkVhKVqDM81Xs3CYzZG2Yat03tX0i2h-d864

Dr. Kilian W. Wawoe (1972) is a Human Resources specialist with 20 years of experience. He started his career as HR trainee at ABN-AMRO Bank, and held different HR jobs in The Netherlands, Monaco, Belgium and India. After 11 years he left ABN-AMRO as regional head of HR for West- and Southern Europe.

Besides his daily job, Mr Wawoe researched different banks on performance improvement in India, Brazil, USA, the Netherlands and Romania.

After leaving ABN-AMRO Bank in 2010 Mister Wawoe started his own consultancy on Performance Improvement. He leads HR project in various countries in the CIS region: predominantly in Georgia and Belarus. He has been active in Armenia for the last 5 years.

He also Works as a part-time professor in Human Resource Management at VU University Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and Shevshenko University  (Ukraine). He was elected best professor of VU University in 2013.

Limba de comunicare: engleză.

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