The mission of the STEAM Innovation Centre is to strengthen institutional capacity through the development of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) skills and the transfer of knowledge and entrepreneurial practices to foster innovation and sustainable development.
The objectives of the STEAM Innovation Centre are:
● Research and development:
encouraging research and development in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics through collaborative research and development projects involving participants from different disciplines.
● Education and training:
development of training and education programmes combining the design and implementation of inter- and multidisciplinary research programmes, initiation and development of (interdisciplinary) scientific research projects in line with national, European and international priorities.
● Entrepreneurship:
supporting and facilitating entrepreneurship in STEAM and creative business, including the development of business ideas and the organisation of student competitions in the field.
● Creativity development:
combining creative and STEAM approaches to develop solutions and innovative products and projects in entrepreneurship and management.
● Collaboration and partnership development:
establishing partnerships with other organizations, universities, companies and communities to promote collaboration, exchange of ideas and resources, collaboration with researchers and subject matter experts, as well as improving the impact and relevance of activities.
Director of the Centre – Dorogaia Irina, PhD, Associate Professor, Department “Management and Entrepreneurship”,
Coordinator of the Centre – Solcan Angela, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department “Management and Entrepreneurship”,
Project Coordinator – Covaș Lilia, PhD., Professor, Department “Management and Entrepreneurship”,
Technical support – Portarescu Serghei, PhD., Associated Professor, Department “Management and Entrepreneurship”.
Board of observers:
– Șendrea Mariana, – PhD, Associate Professor, department “Management and Entrepreneurship”.
– Călugăreanu Irina, PhD, Associate Professor, department “Management and Entrepreneurship”.
– Mammadov Safar, – PhD, representative of the economic environment.
– Negruță Alexandru, – representative of the economic environment.
permanent members: teaching staff (professors, lecturers, lecturers, assistants) belonging to the “Management and Entrepreneurship” department of ASEM;
associate members: students enrolled in undergraduate studies and students enrolled in master’s/doctoral programmes in specialities related to the field of activity of “STEAM Innovation”.
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